Pawan Bareja
Pawan Bareja
March 20, 2023:
Spirit Rock Live Monday Nights with Jack Kornfield and Friends
Online | 7:15-9:15 pm PST
March 12, 2023:
Metta As A Gateway to Holding Life
Arinna Weisman and Pawan Bareja
10:00 am-2:30 pm PST
March 25-26, 2023:
Paramis in Everyday Life
White Heron Sangha
In-person and Online
April 13 - May 18, 2023:
Reclaiming our Power: Resolving Trauma and Building Resilience
Online | 600-7:30 pm PST
April 22-23, 2023:
7th Oncology Massage Healing Summit,
Northwestern Health Sciences University
In person
June 4, 2023:
Dharma talk at Sacramento Sangha
Body & Trauma Resources:
Emotional Chaos to Clarity by Phillip Moffitt
The Inner World of Trauma by Donald Kalsched
Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine
Shock Trauma, Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction & Autoimmune Syndromes – What’s the Connection? by Dr. Lori Parker
Polyvagal Theory: What Is It And Why Should We Care? by Dr. Lori Parker
The Polyvagal Theory by Stephen W. Porges
Body Encyclopedia by Elizabeth Marcher and Sonja Fich
Healing Developmental Trauma by Laurence Heller & Aline LaPierre
The Body Remembers by Babette Rothschild
Molecules of Emotion by Candace B. Pert
A General Theory of Love by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, Richard Lannon
The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner
The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, and Beyond Anxiety by Edmund J. Bourn
Calming Your Anxious Mind by Jeffrey Brantley.
Understanding the Messages of Your Body by Jean-Pierre Barral
Wound Into Blessings by Fred Mitouer
Ortho-Bionomy: A Path to Self-Care by Luann Overmyer
Life on Land by Emilie Conrad
Engaging the Movement of Life by Bonnie Gintis
In An Unspoken Voice by Peter Levine
Mindfulness Resources:
A Path with Heart by Jack Kornfield
Dancing with Life by Phillip Moffitt
Emotional Chaos to Clarity by Phillip Moffitt
Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Satipatthana by Analayo
Going to Pieces without Falling Apart by Mark Epstein
Insight Meditation by Joseph Goldstein
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom by Joseph Goldstein & Jack Kornfield
The Experience of Insight by Joseph Goldstein
Personal Resources:
“The variety of materials, topics, techniques and types of meditation were excellent. The class is packed with experiential exercises, dyads, homework, readings and hand-outs. Whao! Very rich!” – SFI student evaluation
“This class should be video-taped and put on a webinar. It is life-changing. It gives information I have never heard before despite thousands of dollars worth of therapy.” – MCC student evaluation